середа, 14 квітня 2010 р.

Facebook privacy hints

1- Visit this link:


Only allow your friends to view you profile.

2- Never reply to messages or pokes from unknown people. If you do so they will be granted permission to see some portion of your profile for 30 days. However you can select which information they can see from here :


3- Do not store your private photos in your 'Profile Picture Album'. You may accidentally make strangers see your photos by poking or messaging them. Instead create a picture album.

4- http://www.facebook.com/editapps.php

In this page, you can edit your installed application settings. For example you can prevent them sending emails to you or spamming your news feed and mini feed.

5- Always store 'profile ID' of suspicious people. If they block you and change their name you can never find them again.


profile id is an integer like this xxxxxxxxx at your address bar while browsing a profile.

If someone sends you a message, find the 'report message' link. That link will also provide you the profile id of the sender. It will look like this:

'rid' is the parameter transferring profile id.

6- If you are receiving too many notification emails even for the simplest things (like someone commenting after you), you can reduce them here:


7- If you upload a .BMP picture to a Facebook application, Facebook will apply it own compression, which is pretty high. This will reduce image quality. Instead compress your image yourself.

8- An application cannot provide you information about who have visited your profile page. Facebook does not have API support for this purpose for now. But if both the viewer and the one to be viewed installed this application, there may be a way; actually I don't know FB API very well, I will update this when I learn it.

9- You can not cancel a friend request. But you can first block and then unblock a person who you accidentally send friendship request in order to cancel it. Nevertheless, he/she will get a notification about your friend request.

10- There is no way to hide your friend list from one of your friends - unless you put him in your limited profile.
If you can't see friends of your friend, that means you are in his limited profile. Consider your friendship with him.

11- 'user id' (or 'profile id', explained above) gives a chronological information about when a user joined to Facebook. Just by looking user id of two people, you can know which of them joined Facebook first. You can even roughly estimate when they joined.

12- Group and page names cannot be changed once they are created. So pay more attention and double check while you are creating your group/page.
n- (I will complete as I remember & find hints)

If you have any suggestion or bug reports on Facebook write here :


Source: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7675294903

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